Tuesday, 19 February 2013

I have no self control.

One dreary January afternoon when the fun of christmas had well and truly vanished and I was spending the day in Milton Keynes shopping centre avoiding revision for my impending exams I lost the plot. It was raining, freezing and an all together hideous day so obviously I did the logical thing and took it upon myself to go into The Sunglasses Hut and buy a pair of sunglasses. That’s right a pair of sunglasses... in January...when I go to uni in Manchester; a place where it constantly rains. I know, I know I can tell you’re all judging me but they are PERFECT and quite frankly I have no regrets!

They are Ray-Ban 4175's if anyone was wondering what model they are.

I wore them recently on a trip with some uni friends to Amsterdam and Paris and here's my friend Sean and I in Amsterdam, excuse the silly faces. I'm really not doing the sunglasses justice but these are the only piccy's I've got when I'm wearing them. As you can see it wasn't exactly sunny and I defs took them off pretty sharpish after these photos were taken as I looked a bit like an idiot wearing sunnies when it was very much grey and overcast! 

Anyway what you must understand is I have a really rather spherical face with very chubby cheeks and sunglasses on me tend to look ridiculous especially Wayfarers and Clubmasters which I have yearned for for so many years (don’t even get me started on aviators). However these bad boys are the Clubmaster’s (considerably larger) sister which can handle the cheeks rather than being somewhat engulfed by them! So yes I may be a loon who purchases unseasonal accessories with ease but I’ll be laughing when we get a freak heatwave in March, well fingers crossed we do anyway haha. 

Right now I’m off to buy a bikini and some flipflops ... only joking... am I?!?!

Kathryn x  

Monday, 18 February 2013

Back with a ba(n)g.

Oh hello, remember me?! Probably not! It’s been a good few months that I have been away from the blogsphere however I am back! There are many reasons for my absence are but primarily it came down to time, I was merely a slacker of a fresher when I started blogging and second year has come as a shock to the system, my work actually COUNTS towards my degree and that my friends is a terrifying thought, and anyway blogging sort of slipped off the radar as I concentrated on uni. However I have really bloody missed writing on my little space of the internet and so I’m here back behind the computer screen with a bursting wardrobe and a sobbing bank balance.

I thought my first post needed to be special...so guys meet Viv....

Isn’t she BEAUTIFUL, she was my christmas present from my parents and my god I am obsessed. (I’m going to stop referring to my bag as a she now as it sounds slightly creepy). I love the patent leather, the gold orb, the fact you can wear it at 2 different lengths; basically I love EVERYTHING about it. Now I love my Alexa for everyday and I own an extensive collection of Zara clutch bags however I wanted a bag suitablble for both day and night, that’s not as bulky as my Alexa but actually has a strap and this is where this beaut of a bag comes in. The perfect compromise if you will. Dinner, drinks, clubs or shopping I take this bag bloody everywhere. Anyway I will stop gushing now as it is slightly sad/worrying but I hope you’ve enjoyed my brief blogging come back, there is much more to come!

Kathryn xxx

P.S I am now the don of social media so feel free to check out my 
  • Twitter 
  • Tumblr - Mainly just pics of clothes I wish I owned on women I wish I looked like.
  • Instagram - I finally got an iPhone a few months ago (I have actually had 3 iPhones in the past 5 months... I seem to go through iPhones faster than Taylor Swift goes through men) and jumped on the, very late, bandwagon.  

P.P.S Did you enjoy my Blogpost title... I know I know, you don't need to tell me, I am a witty genius haha.
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