Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Statement Sandals.

I'm a total clothes buying keeno so I have no quarms about buying a bikini in January or a coat in July. In fact in my opinion when it comes to the high street you snooze you loose. We've all been there when you have a holiday booked for mid July ans start looking for a bikini at the end of June and there is NOTHING LITERALLY NOTHING left, que a hissy fit and a desperate search for last years bikinis. Anyway this leads me on top a pair of my all time favourite pairs of shoes I snapped up way back in January 2010, they have been turely loved and worn to death however I have come to accept that they are on their last legs and I need a new pair. They are currently in the bin *sob* as the feathers and jewles have fallen off and the zips have broken so were merely a shadow of their former glory! This pic in no way does them justice but you get the general idea.

My old River Island beauties RIP.

This led me to these bad boys, also from River Island, that I was given as a birthday present. Still embellished, still colourful: in essence the perfect statement sandel. Worn with denim shorts or leather skirt they really make an outfit that bit more striking. 

They also make me feel extremely summery which is handy in the non existant summer we are having as they make me imagine jetting off somewhere hot and exotic rather than being stuck in grey Milton Keynes!

Kathryn x


  1. absolutely love the shoes, really quirky yet completely fashionable!

  2. I absolutely love these :)
    River island do some gorgeous sandals but i always find there so pricey.
    loving the beading detail on these,

    I've just come across your blog and I love it, I've just clicked the follow button, would love it if you followed back :)


    x x x

  3. These are gorgeous! x


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